Escrito por RobertMS
Jueves, 27 de Mayo de 2010 20:11 |
Elf Lala |
Madre de todas las Elfas, es Capaz de Encantar al mas Feroz Guerrero y Tranquilizarlo con su Música, ubicada en Noria en las coordenadas (173, 124).
Items de Venta
Apple Small Healing Potion Healing Potion Large Healing Potion small Mana Potion Mana Potion Large Mana Potion Antidote Antidote (3) Small Healing Potion (3) Healing Potion (3) Large Healing Potion (3) Small Mana Potion (3) Mana Potion (3) Large Mana Potion (3) Apple +1 small Healing Potion +1 Healing Potion +1 Large Healing Potion +1 Apple +1 (3) Small Healing Potion +1 (3) Healing Potion +1 (3) Large Healing Potion +1 (3)
Orb's |
Healing Orb Orb of Greater Fortitude Orb of Greater Damage Summoning Orb Summoning Orb +1 Summoning Orb +2 Summoning Orb +3 Summoning Orb +4
Set's |
Vine Armor +0+Luck+4 Vine Pants +0+Luck+4 Vine Boots +0+Luck+4 Vine Gloves +0+Luck+4 Vine Helm +0+Luck+4 Silk Armor +2+Luck+4 Silk Pants +2+Luck+4 Silk Boots +2+Luck+4 Silk Gloves +2+Luck+4 Silk Helm +2+Luck+4 Wind Armor +3+Luck+4 Wind Pants +3+Luck+4 Wind Boots +3+Luck+4 Wind Gloves +3+Luck+4 Wind Helm +3+Luck+4
Bolt Bolt +1 Bolt +2 Arrow Arrow +1 Arrow +2 |
Town Portal Scroll Armor of Guardsman |
Última actualización el Miércoles, 02 de Mayo de 2012 13:58 |